Tingles on the Web

A whole bunch of Tingles, related by blood or law, to William Berner and Bertha Tingle are now on Facebook.  A number also now have blogs or photo streams.

Food and Weather Report: Brother Steve Tingle reports regularly on food, weather, and sports from Clinton, SC. Steve also keeps a photo stream on Flickr.

danpic2.jpgBrother Dan Tingle keeps two blogs.  One is called simply TINGLE; it carries news and pictures and reflections. The other, Existential Hillbilly Moralist, is less discursive and more poetic.  He also keeps a photo stream.

Together Brother Dan and Brother Steve keep a collaborative blog called Tingles From Coast to Coast.  This carries experimental science fiction as well as images.

brian.jpgNephew Brian Tingle keeps a photo stream on Flickr called Tinguru.

Sam.jpgSamantha Dobbins, daughter of Cousin Sam Tingle, keeps a blog called Apple Juice and Milk, with daily comment, reflections on motherhood, and recipes

grandmapa.jpgCousin Cindy Stockman started a Yahoo Group for the descendants of William and Bertha Tingle.

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Steve's Food and Weather Report

The Tingles: The Tingles
Nick Tingle: Sea of Love



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