Entry 11: Pick A Scene or Incident

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Hi all:

Pick a scene or incident from The Truman Show that you think is particularly important to our understand of the film overall.

Describe the scene or incident and type it into the comment box.

Be prepared in class to say why you think the scene you picked and described is particularly important to an overall understanding of the film.

See you...


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I think the scene where Truman doesn't go to work and hits a random person on the butt, then goes to different places he has never been to is a good scene to help understand the movie. The Truman Show is all about how Truman's life is completely fake, but he is a True Man. This scene shows Truman go to different buildings and he sees things that he has never seen before. When he goes to the first building he tries to go in the elevator and he sees a set instead of the back of the elevator. Then these two guys get him out of the building. As Truman walks across the street to go see his best friend, Marlon, he almost gets hit by a bus. Truman sticks his arms out as if he were God and makes the next car stop as well. Truman finally goes to his best friend and tells him everything that has happened. All Marlon does is tell Truman basically its not true and he it's a shame the bus didn't hit him because he could have sued. Then Marlon changes the subject and talks about how busy he is. This scene really shows just how fake Truman's life is. Even his "best friend" is just another actor playing the role. It is as if Truman is in this cell. Truman is noticing all these little things and wants to break out of this fake world that was created for him.

I think one of the most important scenes in The Truman Show is one of the last scenes. In this scene, Truman finds a staircase leading to an exit door that, presumably, leads him out of his artificial, scripted world into reality. But before he is able to leave, Christof speaks to him. He reveals himself as being “the creator…of a television show.” He tries to convince Truman to stay. He tells him, “There’s no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you…in my world, you have nothing to fear…you can’t leave, Truman. You belong here…with me.” Then, Christof demands Truman to say something. But to the dismay of Christof, Truman replies, “In case I don’t see ya: good afternoon, good evening, and good night”. He then takes a bow to the relief of Sylvia who has been watching. And, he steps through the door into darkness.

The scene at the very end of the film when Christof speaks to Truman was very significant. This was when Truman has overcome his fear of water and has completed his sea voyage to leave Seahaven Island and move to Fiji Island. He is now in front of the “exit” door into “reality” when all of a sudden, Christof speaks to him. Christof says, “Truman, you can speak. I can hear you.” Truman asks, “who are you?” Christof says, “I am the creator of a television show that gives hope, joy, and inspiration to millions.” Truman replies, “then who am I?” Christof replies, “you’re the star.” Truman asks again, “was nothing real?” Christof answers, “you were real. That’s what made you so good to watch. Listen to me Truman. There is no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. Same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear.” Then after this dialogue, Truman takes a bow and walks through the exit door.

I think the last scene where Truman discovers the exit out of his world is very important because it is a confirmation of the truth that he's been looking for. His whole life has been based on the "truth" that Christof has created for him. Leading up the scene, Christof and the crew discovered Truman had tricked the camera and went out of sight. The whole "town" went searching for him, as Christof was desperate not to let him escape. They even had day come earlier (for even the sun was artificial), and finally found him sailing away. Christof made a storm at sea to thwart Truman's attempt to leave, almost killing him with artificial lightning and strong waves. Finally, Truman's small sailboat reached the end of his world-- literally, as his world was contained within colossal dome. Christof projects his voice through speakers and ask Truman to stay, that Christof is protecting him. Truman, however, chooses to leave everything he knows in order to find the truth.
Christof shaped Truman by manipulating the world around him, but Christof can never have complete control of Truman. The fact that Truman snuck out of camera's view and went out to sea despite losing his "father" at sea is justification that Christof couldn't stop Truman from finding out for himself about the world he lives in.

There are a couple of scenes that really clarified everything for Truman Burbank,and allowed him to open his eyes and realize exactly what was going on in the world around him.The first scene was when he was in his car,and overheard a conversation between the show's crew.During that particular scene,Truman freaks out and begins to suspect that there is something very strange happening in his surroundings.He hears the crew talk about his exact location,and that really instills anxiety and discomfort into Truman.The second scene was when Truman has an argument with his wife,Meryl.During their argument,Meryl becomes very uncomfortable,which leads her to cry for help.However,she doesn't ask for help from just anyone,she asks for help from the crew.At that point,Truman asks Meryl who she is speaking to,and realizes that there are other people watching them.After Truman figures out that he is being watched,he does everything in his power to free himself from his current lifestyle.He searches for a completely new life of his own,and luckily for him he finds it,or so he thinks...

I think the scene in which Truman is reunited with his father by his best friend Marlon, is particularly important to our understanding of the film.

First off, it shows the audience how this fake world Christoph created is still very real to Truman. Although we are aware at this point that Truman lives on a set surrounded by actors, we forget that in Truman's mind he still firmly believes that this world is reality. With that, we realize how perversely Truman is manipulated as a human being. When the actor who played Truman's father selfishly wanted to reappear in the show without approval, he snuck on set as a hobo. Thus, when Truman saw his father Christoph had no choice but to quell Truman's uneasiness. This was done by having Truman's supposedly "best friend" Marlon find his father and reunite them. After years of emotional damage that still hasn't healed after seeing his father die on a boat trip, Truman is forced to undergo further emotional turmoil. In this scene, the audience sees Truman's heartbreaking raw emotional reaction as he embraces his father. We then understand that Truman, although the star of a major entertainment source, he is still going through honest human emotions in a fake reality. We realize that the audience has sacrificed an innocent man's life to serve their own selfish leisure entertainment needs. Ultimately, it makes the audience reflect upon how perversely manipulative our own reality had become.

I believe one of the scenes to understanding the film would be when they can't find Truman and everyone is looking for him. It's a scene where I feel he free's himself from all this fakeness. When finally Christof starts to get the idea he is losing the grip of Truman and that he will no longer be the man others want him to be. Truman decides to go in search for his true self the one that for long was put off to the side. Where he decides to take what I like to call twenty seconds of courage. In a matter of twenty seconds he could of gotten on that sail boat and just have returned to his fake life due to fear or make a change and become free. They show how he is breaking apart from a programmed world where he cannot be himself and has to fake the was he really and truly is as a person. Not everything is dandy, and it is to show that you can free yourself from the fakeness surrounding you once you take the initiative to do so. No matter what it might take.

I believe one of the most significant scenes in the movie is when Truman goes crazy. The part where he gets upset at Meryl and he yells at her her and starts chasing her around, and she keeps trying to advertise products. The best part of this scene is when Truman grabs the 'weapon' from Meryl and says, "Dice me, slice me, or peel me, it has so many choices!" This shows how planned the show is. Especially when she screams out, "Do something!" You can tell she's speaking to the directors and everyone behind the scenes, I think this is the true turning point of the movie, everything that happens after, is just leading up to his escape.

I think the scene where Christof is speaking to Truman as he is about to leave truly gives meaning to the movie and we can understand. I'm sure there are always days in which we feel everything is going wrong in the world. Christof created a "sort of" paradise for Truman. He tells Truman, "There is no more truth out there than there is here." The audience is supposed to understand that wherever we go, we are still controlled. Even if there is a world especially created for us, there will always be problems. In order to be comfortable in life, we must change ourselves, not our world. Truman escapes Seahaven only to come to the "real" world. There are so many issues that make this world problematic: war, politics, consumerism, etc. Christof makes us see that we must break free from the world society has created for us, that we sometimes live comfortably in, even if we know it's flawed.

One scene that I think is important in the movie is when Truman was sailing away, and Christof was trying to stop him from going away. Truman shouted at him which got Christof mad, and he wanted to kill Truman in front of the audiences. After the first weather change by Christof, Truman shouted out because he knew that weather change was to prevent him from going away or even to kill him. Christof got mad after Truman shouted out, and he was determined to kill Truman. This shows that Christof has control over Truman's life, because he made Truman born in front of the audiences. Now, he could let Truman die in front of all the audiences, too. In Christof's mind, it was him who gave Truman his life and everything. So, Chistof made the weather even worse, and Truman almost drowned. At last, Truman managed to hold on to the ship and climbed up. After seeing Truman's determination, Christof stopped the storm. This shows that even though Christof has control over Truman's life, Christof was still touched by Truman's determination to find reality.

I personally think that the most important scene in The Truman Show is when Lauren/Sylvia takes Truman to the beach and tries to explain his life to him. This scene is introduced as a flashback and is the turning point to Truman wanting to further explore his environment. Because of this scene, Truman wants to go to Fiji. He also reflects back to Lauren's words about being watched and living a lie. Without meeting Lauren, Truman wouldn't have a purpose for leaving Seahaven and he wouldn't wonder why she disappeared all of a sudden. In other words, this scene is what really made Truman question the life he was living.

I think the scene where Kristof talks to Truman from the sky is important to our understanding of the film. This scene is important because Kristof tells Truman that the real world is no better than the world of Sea Havan. I think this part is important because throughout the film, the audience feels bad for Truman because he is trapped in Sea Havan. The audience also feels hatred for Kristof for doing this to Truman. This scene, however, allows us to question whether or not Truman's life is so bad. While, Truman is unable to experience the world and seek the truth for himself, he also does not have to deal with the stresses of the real world. Some of these stresses include, poverty, war, famine and disease. Truman's life is free of stress and pain, is that so bad? This scene allows the audience to question this.

the last scene of the truman show where truman hits the wall, and christof tells truman the truth about his life is the scene that is the most important of this movie. this is due to the fact that is shows how truman finally figures out that his life has been a fake one and that he has been living a lie. i love the scene of truman boat hitting the wall because ti shows how truman can no longer go further until he is told the truth. christof talking throught the microphone kind of makes him look like if he is god. this is kind of impresive because christof is kind of a god because he created truman and has shaped trumans life. this scene to me is helpful in describing the overall meaning of the movie because it sums up practically the movie. truman is told the truth and by this, his eyes are open to the real truth of himself. he chooses to leave this fake wonderful place because it is a fake life. he wants to discover what is outside of this place even though it is not a wonderful place

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